Monday, October 12, 2015

Day 5: Morning yoga

So I knew going into class yesterday morning it would be tough.  Me and AM classes are not besties at all.  Not to mention I didn't have a great sleep the night before, and overall wasn't very hydrated. My joints and muscles were VERY stiff and I had to keep stopping even in Japanese ham sandwich!!

But what was an usual, I still was able to push on and class gradually got a whole lot better. The heat didn't even bother me.

I was chatting with a student before class yesterday who I hadn't seen in awhile. She asked me how I was and I joked "Tired!" and that "I hate morning classes because I always feel like they are so tough".

She, being the older and wiser yogi she is....smiled and said "Don't worry. You will feel amazing after class, and will be glad you came early."

These words couldn't have rang more true.  I felt better with each pose and the mood in the room was very positive and charged.  The morning sun especially added to lifting my mood.  When I left my house close to 7, the sun was barely in the sky yet, but as we finished our warm up, it was shining across the studio.

While I will always be a later-in-the-day yogi, I think there is definitely something to be said for morning classes. Once in awhile it's good to go early. Not only will you have the whole rest of your day to do whatever you want besides yoga, it's such an amazing mood-lifter that does stay with you for the rest of the day.

I'm not just making that up, I promise.  Check it out for yourself ;).

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