It's been another crazy week in Socialworkerland.
Some of the things I have dealt with:
1.) Crazy client hospitalization, with a promise of admission, then a discharge a couple hours later, because POOF! All was suddenly well......
2.) Joint visit with APS with same client.
3.) Was able to obtain emergency approval for 24 hour coverage for above client (something that is practically unheard of last minute). Note: Following up on this ONE client probably filled a good 3 days of my week ;).
4.) Financially secured an apartment for a new client, thanks to his natural support.
5.) Comforted a new colleague who feels ready to quit due to being in new position, with little training, isolated in an office far away with almost no support. (Came up with the idea that she can work with me one day a week when the nurse who shares my office is off).
6.) I got another challenging client a last minute psych appointment.
7.) Set up another intake for a potential new case.
8.) Was accused of changing/forging documentation by a long-time colleague. Fortunately, I have mucho documentation so nothing should ever come from this. Note to all social workers: Keep track of EVERYTHING you do. Save ALL, even if it seems unimportant. This situation stems from something that occured a YEAR ago.
BTW, I never made it down to DSS this week to begin my one-shot-deals because I still haven't received the proof of income for one of my people. Makes me suspect she may not have gotten SSI yet.............which will probably cause her to lose the apartment I found if I don't receive this documentation in the next couple of days. For another guy, I will go this coming week.
On a personal note, some things that have been happening:
My son, who is 2 1/2 has started to refuse to go to bed at night. He also comes into my bad in the wee hours of the morning. He thinks it's funny, and a game. I would probably be a bad social worker for kids, because my first thought regarding this behavior was that we should just put a lock on the outside of his door!
I made it through my personal goal of attending FOUR hot yoga classes this week. (I am hoping to go tonight to make it a FIVER if DH gets home in time from work).
I also started journal writing again. Nothing significant, but I have been doing this in the morning to reflect before my days get crazy.
How was YOUR week?
Have a GREAT weekend everyone :)