Saturday, November 17, 2012

I think it really must be true

that it honestly doesn't take much to keep us happy.

Especially after a time of crisis. Life is really put into perspective. For me, this whole Hurricane Sandy thing has really helped me understand that while faced with somewhat different circumstances, I am not unlike many of the clients I have worked with through the years.

Down on their luck, but just needing the basics to keep themselves going. Nothing that is truly "milking the system", or taking much (if anything) out of anyone's pocket.

Just items and services that we all have, but that are often overlooked on a day to day basis.

A simple meal.
Hot coffee.
Steamy shower.
Comfy pants.
Favorite sweat shirt.
Cozy footwear (mine have been my Ugg knock-offs).
Conversation, laughter and smiles.
Ability to see the brightside of a bad situation.
Heat and shelter.
A bed, pillow and warm blanket to rest.
Work and activity to pass the time.
Or just downtime to not do anything much at all.
Snuggles and hugs from family and friends.
People checking in to show they care, even if they can't do anything else.

In terms of money, so far we've received just enough to get us back on our feet. That's all we really wanted and didn't even really expect.

It's sad to think that there are many people out there going through this, or other types of bad situations that don't even have these things. And are seen as taking advantage of the system, and entitled when they do.

And these are only the basics.
Think about the other things we have that are considered necessities.

Computer and smart phone with internet access.
Cable TV.
Car and gas.
Take out.

It was reported that there were people in my area getting into fist fights when these items were so scarce just a week ago.

Again, very sad to think about when there are still those who don't have access to the things on the first list, I for one give little thought to on a normal day.

Have you ever been faced with some kind of crisis?

Did you have a basic need that went unmet?

What were the most comforting things for you that helped you through that time?

Was there anything that anyone made you feel uncomfortable for wanting or already having?

Do you think that in order for others to change their mind about those in need, that they must eventually go through their own kind of personal crisis?


  1. What a beautiful testament to being truly appreciative for the things we do truly need. My heart grieves when people who are fighting for these basic necessities are, as you've written, seen as "entitled." So grateful that you have so many people helping you and supporting you. Your last question is a good one. I don't know the answer, but I wonder how unexamined privilege filters the way we look at the world and those who have less than we do. Beautiful perspective. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. For the last question I would guess yes, just based on my own suffering brought me closer to the reality that others suffer. I have also been through an earthquake which helped, and put up a friend burned out of his house.
