Friday, August 17, 2012

More on my son

So he was away for over a week with my parents, and came home late in the day on Wednesday.

So happy to have him back home!!!

I dropped off the paperwork to begin his evaluation through the school district on Wednesday as well.

It was like dealing with the Red Hat Society.....the school secretary who was probably there since the time I started elementary school, was so freakin' annoying, making me wait well past the time she asked me to be there so she could "have her coffee", and then questioning my reasons for wanting to have an evaluation "since I already had him seen by a psychologist".

But, the AGENCY who will be doing the evals called me right away, and the woman I spoke with was extremely professional and not a busy-body wannabe psychologist.

I have his speech and psychological scheduled, and we also have the date set for when they discuss the next steps. (If there will be any........part of me still thinks this is a bunch of malarkey, him being 3, a boy and his overall personality).

He is also doing much, much better with the potty so I can't complain about that.

School is also right around the corner. He starts officially on 9/11.

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